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Inovaare listed as a representative vendor in the Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Healthcare Payers, 2024

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Delegation Oversight Overview

Delegation Oversight (DO) administrators, DO leaders and first-tier, downstream or related (FDR) entity auditors understand they can delegate the function, but not health plan’s responsibilities. This is why the following processes are critical to an effective Delegation Oversight program:


The Challenge with Manual Delegation Oversight

Resources management

To ensure CMS regulatory compliance requirements are enforced, plan sponsors must monitor the activities of their delegated entities continuously to sustain regulatory compliance, whether they outsource:

With the ever-changing Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulatory requirements, health plans are turning to enterprise software to achieve the following business objectives:

Sustain a regulatory framework
Establish a contractual framework
Achieve unified oversight across all delegates
Implement a continuous audit and monitoring program

Delegation Oversight software helps reduce the overall cost of data collection and analysis, from which health plans can effectively advise their delegates. And, if it has the latest CMS protocols, business rules and logic built into it, health plans can improve external audit responses and ensure timely regulatory requirements.

The Solution: Delegation Oversight Software

Inovaare’s Delegation Oversight software suite, a cloud-based automation and workflow solution, helps health plans to systematically conduct audits and perform file reviews of FDRs to create a culture of compliance. This essential Delegation Oversight software suite can help Delegation Oversight, Delegated Entity and FDR Audit personnel within health plans to:


Designed by health plan industry experts and built upon a Compliance Operations Platform, Inovaare’s Delegation Oversight software empowers health plans to drive DE compliance through the following product features:

Key Delegation Oversight Software Benefits

The Delegation Oversight software suite enables health plans to:

Delegation Oversight Software Suite

Module Features
FDR Management
  • Demographics
  • Delegated Functions
FDR Workflow and Collaboration
  • Audit Calendar
  • Audit Program Workflow
  • Issue Tracker
  • Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
  • Task Management
FDR Portal
  • Task and Email
  • Web Portal
    1. Self-Registration
    2. CAP Response
    3. FDR Universe Scrubber
    4. Audit Response Request
Universe Management System
  • System-Generated Universes
    1. COA
  • Universe Scrubber
    1. All CMS tables
  • Audit Schedule Report
  • Audit Summary Report
  • Detail Audit Report
  • CAP
  • Audit Score Card
  • Trend Analysis
  • Comparison
  • Audit Schedule