Member Experience / Member360
Your centralized member journey map for better member engagement
Empower smarter decisions and deliver exceptional member experiences with Member360, a comprehensive solution designed specifically for healthcare payers.Â
Value & Benefits
Unlock the full potential of
your member data
Identify the drivers for member disengagement, member satisfaction, and member promoters.
- Benefits
Empower smarter decisions and deliver exceptional member experiences with Member360, a comprehensive solution that unifies data and provides a 360-degree view of members.
Member disengagement
Member satisfaction
Member promoters
Lost members
Gain a 360-degree view of each member to understand needs and preferences.
Leverage data-driven insights to take corrective measures to get members back on the happy path.
Identify your promoters
Discover advocates within your membership to build a strong, loyal community.
Reduced customer effort
Simplify the member journey by removing barriers for seamless support and satisfaction.
Key features
Elevate member experiences with personalized engagement
Member360 unifies data, enhances decision-making, and drives operational efficiency, delivering a complete view for proactive member management and better outcomes.
Member data
Your complete member data solution
Member360 is a central repository that pulls and unifies data from various member-centric applications and external sources, providing a 360-degree perspective of your members. This holistic view enables data-driven decisions, improved operational efficiency, and better member experiences.Â
member management
Transform your member management
Leverage Member360 to transform your member management. Gain a complete view of your members, unlock valuable insights, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver improved experiences that drive loyalty and satisfaction.Â
Data integration
Comprehensive data integration
Gain a 360-degree view of your members by centralizing data from enrollment, benefits, claims, customer service, and provider networks. Empower smarter decisions, streamline operations, and enhance member experiences effortlessly.Â
Related products
Enable additional capabilities
Member Experience
Health Plan Marketing CRM
Member Experience
Health Plan Services CRM
Manage service requests, issues, and outreach programs efficiently to boost member satisfaction and retention.
Member Experience
Member Portal
Provide members with a secure portal with 24/7 access to health information, benefits, and service requests to boost member satisfaction and engagement.Â
Member Experience
Call Log Scrubber
Scrub CRM data to identify cases that need to be expedited and transferred to the health plan’s Appeals and Grievances Department.
Member Experience
A&G Management
Streamline and automate the handling of member grievances and appeals, ensuring quick and compliant resolutions that boost member trust and loyalty.
Member Experience
A&G Universe Manager
Automate the formatting of appeal and grievance universes with a single click, saving time and reducing manual errors.
Member Experience
Potential Quality Issues (PQI)
Equip your health plans with the tools to proactively identify, manage, and resolve quality issues before they escalate.